Condrill ACT Services
Concrete Cutting Canberra
Decorative Cutting
One of the concrete cutting services we offer is decorative sawing. Decorative sawing is a highly specialised and skilled process that offers a new form of decoration to contractors, construction companies and residents looking to add some style to their home. The process uses diamond-tipped saws to cut patterns into the concrete floor for aesthetic purposes.
Decorative sawing can be very detailed and intricate, with geometric grids commonly being used and logos and images often being cut into the concrete too. This highly skilled process requires skill and expertise to achieve but it can look fantastic in your property when completed professionally.
Our decorative sawing can be used to significantly reduce the cost of completing jobs such as paving over large areas. Instead of paving an area, you can concrete it and use decorative sawing in order to cut the shape of slabs into it. This increases the appearance of the walkway or paved area without the high installation and maintenance costs of paving installation.
Expansion Sawing
Expansion sawing is carried out to allow concrete to expand and crack in a controlled manner. As concrete dries and the temperature changes, the concrete will crack. If left flat, the surface will crack where the pressure is greatest, but with expansion sawing, you can control this cracking with expansion. By cutting expansion joints in a uniform manner, you can control the cracks so that they are internally positioned and will not quickly worsen. Expansion sawing is essential whenever you are installing concrete over a large area, as cracking will be certain to occur.
Road (Floor) Sawing
We use road (floor) sawing machines suitable for all types of jobs and situations that you may find yourself in. Whether planned or unplanned our concrete cutting machines can be maneuvered into the space in which you need them to create expansion joints or chases.
Our floor sawing service allows you to cut into concrete or asphalt for the purpose of amenities installation or access to existing pipework. The diamond-tipped saws are used to cut through the layer of concrete or asphalt in a neat and uniform manner so that you are not damaging more of the surface than required. These cuts then allow you to carry out installation or maintenance work without creating an unmanageable amount of damage and allowing you to repair only a controlled and pre-determined area.